Here is a list of hotels and guesthouses in different price categories and with varying distance to the city centre.
This list does not claim to be exhaustive. For further information you may also wish to consult booking platforms or the following website which has been set up by the tourist information of the City of Greifswald: http://www.greifswald.info
Information on city bus connections can be found in the rubric Useful Links of this website.
In the city centre (i.e. close to the conference venue):
These hotels are located outside the city centre. However, there are bus connections to get into town:
You may also wish to book one of the following hotels in the romantic village of Wieck with the charme of the Baltic Sea. Wieck can be reached within a 10 min drive. There are regular bus connections to the city centre of Greifswald.
In or close to the city centre:
- Pension Heinrich & Heinrich
- Pension Haus Anne
- Pension im Hanse Haus
- Pension & Restaurant Das Sofa
- Pension Marieneck