IFZO Neuigkeiten

Ausschreibung IEG Stipendium in Digital Humanities

Call for Applications: Baltic Geopolitics Network Publication Prize

CfP – BALTIC CONNECTIONS: a Conference in Social Science History

Border Seminar 2023 – CfP

정치적 ‘장벽’ 아닌 공생하는 ‘교량’으로[차용구의 비아 히스토리아] – Als symbiotische „Brücke“ statt als politische „Mauer“ [Cha Yong-gu’s Via Historia]

Workshopbericht: The Energy Trilemma in the Baltic Sea Region: Security, Equity and Sustainability in an Age of Transition

Summer School: Summer Institute for the Study of East Central and Southeastern Europe (SISECSE)

CfP: CBSE 2023 in Kaunas

CfP: Geographical Imaginaries in Central and Eastern Europe: Space in politics, history, culture and religion after 1989

136 Jahre Tropen in Greifswald. Zur Geschichte der Botanik und Gartenkultur in Norddeutschland

Vorlesungsreihe – Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Baltic Sea Region

Om antisemitismens långa historia i Sverige – Radiointerview mit Prof. Heß zu Antisemitismus in Schweden

The Food Of Singapore Malays bags top honour at Singapore Book Awards – Food Culture als kulturelles Erbe

A fully funded PhD researcher in border studies, Tallinn University

CfP - Predictable Futures? On the Impact of Fear and Insecurity in the Baltic Sea Region

Jobangebot – Postdoctoral Researcher in Border Studies, University of Luxembourg

Drei IFZO Stipendien zu vergeben

Workshopbericht – Tidal Recall

BIG Post-Doctoral Fellow

CfP: Borders In Flux and Border Temporalities In and Beyond Europe