IFZO Neuigkeiten

Post- oder Pre-Doc-Stellenausschreibung – Visual & Digital Cultures Research Center (ViDi) of the University of Antwerp

The Visual & Digital Cultures Research Center (ViDi) of the University of Antwerp is seeking to hire a Full-time Post-doc (or Pre-doc) Researcher in ‘Visual Border Studies’

FWO project: Borders and Borderlands Revisited: A Visual and Mixed-method Study of Liminal Spaces and 'In Situ' Experiences

Initially for one year with a possibility of a renewal until Dec 31, 2024.
Start: as soon as possible!

Candidates have a strong affinity with visual methods and research of ‘borders’, ‘bordering’ or boundaries in a broad sense (geopolitical, mental, ethnic, linguistic etc.).

To apply send a two-page research proposal and CV to:
Prof. Dr. Luc Pauwels: luc.pauwels@uantwerpen.be

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