Dr Farid Karimi of IFZO Energy was a Policy Associate for the Energy-SHIFTS project. This project “aimed to establish research-policy dialogue, by directly connecting researchers working across the Social Sciences and Humanities with those on the energy policy ‘frontline’”[1] namely Policy Fellows. During this project in 2020, 21 Policy Fellows were advised by matched Policy Associates.
Farid was an adviser of Gersende Chaffardon, Research Projects Manager at Réseau de Transport d’Electricité (RTE), Paris, France. The topic of Ms Chaffardon project was "Flexibility and societal issues in energy scenario planning in France".
“It was a great experience regarding promoting science-policy practices. This collaboration was an example of how IFZO can have a social impact directly and highlighted the importance of IFZO activities”, said Karimi.
Read the outcome of this collaboration in the report published by Energy-SHIFTS page 16-21: https://energy-shifts.eu/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Insights-from-the-Energy-Policy-Fellowships.pdf
An overview of the project is available here: https://drift.eur.nl/publications/shifting-perspectives-insights-from-the-energy-policy-fellowships/
“Energy-SHIFTS “Energy Social sciences & Humanities Innovation Forum Targeting the SET-Plan” contribute to EU European Energy Union that places societal needs centrally, by further developing Europe’s leadership in using and applying energy-related Social Sciences and Humanities (energy-SSH)”[2]. Energy-SHIFTS is funded by EU Horizon 2020.