

Michael Rodi

PhD Students

Judith Kärn


Michael Kalis

Mary Keogh

Research Framework

International organisations such as the European Commission and the United Nations have set a political agenda for an energy transition. However, conflicts, perceptions, concerns and traditions accompany progress and stagnation of this process. One of the main barriers for an energy transition is the fragmented energy and climate governance on regional and global levels. The IFZO Energy Cluster aims to analyse the energy transition in the Baltic Sea Region (BSR) from legal and socio-political perspectives in three areas: (1) Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline (2) Microgrids, and (3) a Common Energy Market.


Research focus

Photo by Farid Karimi
  • Energy security and perception of Nord Stream 2:
    Is Nord- Stream 2 a threat or opportunities for the BSR particularly vis-à-vis an energy transition? What is the role of the Nord Stream 2 project in increasing energy security in the EU?
  • Social analysis and legal comparison of the energy transition in the BSR:
    What are the narratives and concepts of energy transition schemes in the BSR? What are the main factors for active public engagement in advancing a clean energy transition in the BSR?
  • A common energy market in the BSR:
    What steps must be taken to support the European Union’s goal of developing a common energy market in the BSR, especially for a higher share of renewable energy? How can we coordinate common national and international energy activities and policies to increase energy security in the BSR?
