Überfahrt - a video-text-sound performance by Michael Disqué, Roman Ehrlich, and Matthias Krieg (Berlin)

This event is part of the workshop The Senses and the Sea. You can find the whole programme here.


Changed Venue: Bahnhofstr. 50, Medienlabor, Großer Saal


Planetary Waters – Sea Futures

Joined Lecture Series Winter 2023/24 by IFZO, Baltic Peripeties and HiCuBas
Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Baltic Sea Region

Thursdays, 18.15–19.45
University of Greifswald
Domstr. 9a, Lecture Hall 2.05

For online participation please write to: balticsea-events[at]uni-greifswald.de

Antje Kempe
Wibke Müller