B.A. (Bakkalaureus Artium/Bachelor of Arts) degree programmes lead to a first professional qualification after three years.
In Bachelor degree programmes, solid subject-related and methodological skills are taught in two subjects over a period of six semesters. These include, in particular, the basic terminology and systematics of the subject as well as its categorisation within the spectrum of disciplines. The scope of study of the two subject modules, which are studied in parallel from the first semester onwards, is the same.
In addition to the two regular subjects, the supplementary area “Optional Studies” forms the third pillar of the B.A. programme. The purpose of these Optional Studies is to impart important, in addition to specialist knowledge, key competencies for the degree programme and later professional life.
Generally, all subject modules can be combined with each other. The combination should be chosen in such a way that it corresponds to personal interests and inclinations, but at the same time takes into account a possible future career.