Professors from A-Z

Asmani, Prof. Rozbeh   New Media and Applied Graphics in the Field of Fine Arts
Averbeck-Lietz, Prof. Stefanie   Communication Studies with a Focus on Communication Ethics
Beck, Prof. Dr. Klaus   Communication Studies
Birnstiel, JProf. Dr. Klaus   Modern German Literature
Buchstein, Prof. Dr. Hubertus   Political Theory and History of Ideas
Bussmann, Prof. Dr. Margit   International Relations and Regional Studies
Dittmer, Prof. Frank   Sacred Music/Choral Conducting
Dolezalek, JProf. Dr. Isabelle   History of Art (Middle Ages)
Domsch, Prof. Dr. Sebastian   Anglophone Literature
Dubasevych, JProf. Dr. Roman   Ukrainian Cultural Studies
Frosch, Prof. Christian   Fine Arts/Painting, Drawing, Space and Cross-Disciplinary Artistic Strategies
Grote, Prof. Dr. Mathias   History of Knowledge
Heck, Prof. Dr. Kilian   History of Art
Horn, Prof. Dr. Katrin   Anglophone Gender Studies
Juterczenka , Prof. Dr. Sünne   Early Modern History
Kessler, Prof. Dr. Stephan   Baltic Studies
Kröber, JProf. Dr. Corinna   Comparative Political Science
Linde, Prof. Dr. Cornelia   Medieval History
Lindqvist, Prof. Dr. Christer   Scandinavian Languages and Linguistics
Mahlau, Prof. Dr. Kathrin   Special Educational Needs and Inclusion
Marx, Prof. Dr. Konstanze   German Linguistics
Müller, Prof. Dr. Jochen   Chair of Political Sociology and Methods
zur Nieden, Prof. Dr. Gesa   Musicology
Niendorf, Prof. Dr. Mathias   Eastern European History
Ohme, Prof. Dr. Andreas   Slavonic Literature
Pantermöller, Prof. Dr. Marko   Finnish Language, Linguistics, Culture and Literature
Ramsbrock, Prof. Dr. Annelie   Modern History
Raufelder, Prof. Dr. Dr. Diana   School Pedagogy
Räthel, Prof. Dr. Clemens   Modern Scandinavian Literature
Schlitte, Prof. Dr. Annika   Aesthetics and Cultural Philosophy
Schneider, Prof. Dr. Matthias   Sacred Music/Organ
Schumacher, Prof. Dr. Eckhard   Modern German Literature and Literary Theory
Sosna, Prof. Dr. Anette   Didactics of German Language and Literature
Sura, JProf. Dr. Ines   Media Education and Media Literacy
Tamminga, Prof. Dr. Allard   Philosophy with a Focus on Theoretical Philosophy
Terrahe, Prof. Dr. Tina   Older German Language and Literature
Thummes, Prof. Dr. Kerstin   Communication Studies with a Focus on Organisational Communication
Werner, Prof. Dr. Micha H.   Philosophy with a Focus on Practical Philosophy
Westphal, JProf. Dr. Andrea   Interdisciplinary Teaching-Learning Research and School Development


Prof. Dr. Klaus Beck

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Josefine Klug

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