The German Research Foundation (DFG) granted a new international research training group in the humanities and social sciences to study the Baltic Sea region at the University of Greifswald. The decision from 7 July 2020 strengthened the key research area of the University and supports innovative research on the constitution of the Baltic Sea region. Within the framework of the International DFG Research Training Group "Baltic Peripeties. Reformations, Revolutions, Catastrophes", starting on 1 April 2021, young researchers* at the universities of Tartu (Estonia), Trondheim (Norway) and Greifswald (Germany) will jointly investigate the role and effect of peripeties in the narrative construction of the Baltic Sea region.
See further information (in German) here:
At the same time, research and teaching on the Baltic Sea region at the University of Greifswald received a special acknowledgement by the award of an honorary doctorate from the University of Szczecin to Prof. Dr Dr hc mult Michael North on 9 July 2020. In his responsibilities as spokesperson of the DFG Research Training Group 619 "Contact Area Mare Balticum: Foreignness and Integration in the Baltic Sea Region" (2000-2009), as spokesperson of the International Research Training Group 1540 "Baltic Borderlands: Shifting Boundaries of Mind and Culture in the Borderlands of the Baltic Sea Region" (2010-2018) and founding spokesperson of the Interdisciplinary Centre for Baltic Sea Region Research IFZO (since 2019), Prof. North has significantly shaped the structures and contents of research in and about the Baltic Sea Region.
See further information here:
You can see a news report by the NDR Nordmagazin.