Lecture Series
The IRTG lecture series is an important corner stone of the teaching programme which firstly allows the interaction between renowned researchers of border and borderland studies in different disciplines and our doctoral students, and secondly provides excellent teaching of leading scientists from international universities to the PhD-students of the graduate programme and the academic public at the University of Greifswald. The lecture series offers also the opportunity for doctoral candidates to present their projects and research results to receive immediate critical responses to their questions, concepts and findings from the academic society. The get-together of senior and junior researchers from all over Europe ensures a lively academic discourse on current developments and innovations in border-related research, both in the lecture hall and afterwards at the dinner table. The international partners in Lund, Tartu and Greifswald share the lectures via video conference and thus ensure not only the full critical mass for the discussions but also the corporate identity of the programme. The lecture series integrates the graduate programme into the academic and wider public of the university and the city of Greifswald by attracting a wide audience beyond the members of the IRTG.