The Transformative Innovation Policy Consortium organized a conference on the topic “Towards a Global Research Agend for Transformative Innovation Policies” at the University of Valencia from 3rd to 4th of November. The aim of the confernce was to integrate the partners of four networks, which had previously identified transformative innovation policies (TIP) as important drivers for regional development: TIPC, STRN, Globelics and EUSPRI. In advance, ten themes had been determined to further the agenda of TIP research. Miriam Richter-Tokar, postdoc at the cluster Regional Development and Rural Areas, was given the opportunity to present the clusters research agenda and discuss the aspect of TIP in a regional context with experts from various backgrounds.
During the keynote speech Dr. Kristin Dunlop shared her experience from the reorganisation of the EU-initiative Climate KIC towards a systemic view of sustainable transformation instead of funding individual innovation projects. Interestingly, this change in approach was heavily shared by representatives from funding organisatons (e.g. Umweltbundesamt, EU Regio) discussing the challenges of operationalizing transition studies. It, furthermore, mirrors the Regional Development and Rural Areas Cluster’s sentiment that regional development in the Baltic Sea Regions’ rural areas needs to be addressed from a comprehensive perspective.
Notes and results of the ten theme discussions can be accessed at:
Text: Miriam Richter-Tokar