Workshop: The Senses and the Sea. Exploring Maritime Remembrance Through Sensual Experience.

The workshop will mainly focus on maritime landscapes and seascapes as a space of experience and sensual perception shaping different collective memories beyond historiography. The research aims to examine whether having access to the sea through sensory perception can be considered immersion and what other implications this has for our understanding of memory. Additionally, we aim to explore how focusing on sensory perception can help us include non-human living beings in the historical analysis of maritime spaces.



Seminar room, IFZO, Bahnhofstr. 51, 17489 Greifswald



Ronny Grundig & Antje Kempe



12:00–12:15 Opening Remarks by Ronny Grundig/Antje Kempe (Greifswald)

12:15–13:15 Simon Probst (Vechta): Deep Time in the Sea. Natural-cultural memory and the Blue Humanities

13:15–13:30 Break

13:30–14:30 Jan-Hinnerks Antons (Hamburg): »Satisfied Senses« – Experiencing Nature and the Body in the History of Baltic Sea Tourism

14:30–14:45 Break

14:45–15:45: Nils Theinert (Bremerhaven): Wrecks as Spaces to Experience and Perceive the Sea

15:45–16:00 Break

16:00–17:00 Wilko von Hardenberg (Berlin): Sounds of the Sea and Seaside. Auditory Perceptions of Maritime Environments in the Early Years of Nature Conservation.

17:00–17:15 Break

17:15–18:15 Åsa Helena Stjerna (Gothenburg): Sonic Visions of the Arctic: The Potential of Sound in the Scientific Investigation and Artistic Exploration of the Arctic as a Site of Memory, Public Space and Place of Great Global Relevance.

18:15–18.35 Sum up

19:00 Dinner


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