Planetary competition? Water use and water rights - Online Roundtable

May-Britt Öhman (Uppsala University), Tobias von Lossow (Clingendael Institute, Wassenaar and UNESCO-IHE Delft Institute for Water Education), Paul Kirschstein (University of Greifswald)

On October 26, we will start our IFZO lecture series with an online roundtable on “Planetary competition? Water use and water rights”. Increasingly urgent questions on water distribution and access to water open a field to discuss the topic of social and legal justice, balancing different rights between water as common property and commodity, related land rights, and water use of different communities. Furthermore, we want to question the regional understanding of planetary scales encompassing the global South and North. While in Northern Europe, for example, the expansion of hydroelectric power plants affects indigenous land use rights, other questions on water access are relevant in the global South. Our guests May-Britt Öhmann (Uppsala), Tobias von Lossow (Wassenaar/ Delft), and IRTG researcher Paul Kirschstein (Greifswald) will shed light on different dimensions of water use and the role of water in land use change that implies both conflicts and cooperations.

The Roundtable-discussion is part of the joint lecture series Planetary Waters – Sea Futures

Lecture Series Winter 2023/24
Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Baltic Sea Region

Thursdays, 18.15–19.45
University of Greifswald
Domstr. 9a, Lecture Hall 2.05

For online participation please write to: balticsea-events[at]

Antje Kempe
Wibke Müller



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    Interdisziplinäres Forschungszentrum Ostseeraum (IFZO)


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