House of Commons debate: Zwischen Krise und Transformation: Wie wird unsere Energieversorgung sicher, gerecht und nachhaltig?

Are you interested in democratic debate culture and the energies of the future?

Then participate with your view on a secure, just and sustainable energy supply in a lively debate like in the British House of Commons. IFZO and Science in Dialogue invite you to join them on Wednesday, 5 July 2023 at 6 pm in the conference hall of the University of Greifswald.

Two experts from the Energy Transition research area of the Interdisciplinary Research Centre Baltic Sea Region (IFZO) will first give you input, which you can then take up in your arguments. Wind energy, LNG terminals, solar power, bridging technologies or outdated technology: energy policy has many measures to discuss and difficult decisions to make. Make yours!

In the context of digitalisation, mobility, consumption - from year to year, the demand for energy increases worldwide. At the same time, energy production should become ever greener in order to sustainably reduce harmful emissions. War and the energy crisis are increasing the pressure on government decision-makers. Can the transformation still succeed? And what is needed to make this transformation process fair, affordable and climate-friendly at the same time? [Event in German]

Further information at:



  • Wissenschaft im Dialog gGmbH
