Agnieszka Graff: European Anti-Gender Campaigns as Attacks on Liberal Democracy (online)

Speaker: Agnieszka Graff (Warsaw)
Chair: Charlotte Steinert (Greifswald)

In recent decades the term “gender” has been re-signified by the right to signify a threat to children, an elite plot against ordinary citizens, and ultimately a force that may lead collapse of Western civilization. The purpose is political: images of dissolving families, unraveled gender identities, dangerous perverts, and alienated, suffering children are used to mobilize voters and bring together actors from diverse backgrounds. This lecture examines three examples of European anti-gender campaigning – from Hungary, Poland and Spain – examines the sources of this phenomenon, and goes on to conceptualize the relationship between illiberalism and anti-genderism. The aim is to show that illiberal rhetoric demonizes “gender ideology” with the aim of vilifying liberalism as a political project and cultural trend.

Thursdays, 18.15–19.45
Rubenowstr. 1, Lecture Hall 1
University of Greifswald

For online participation, please write to: balticsea-eventsuni-greifswaldde

Organisation: Antje Kempe & Clemens Räthel